Tuesday, April 6, 2010

I am Tired!

So, how is it that after 18 hour days I am soooo tired, and everynight I say to myself, Jen... you are going to bed at 10PM tonight... and then I look at the clock an hour and a half later still not fully convinced I did anything worth while so tired and tell myself I am going to go to bed... and I don't... then I start typing away in a blog, because I am convinced that it is yet another thing that I have neglected.  Anyone else have days like that?  I wonder if anyone has ever actually even read this?  Probably not, it's just alot of rantings anyways.  Once I do a tutorial or something, then I will feel that it is important enough for me to publicize to the world that I have created this magnificent masterpiece... but until then, it's just my rantings.

So, am I the only one that has the problem with going to the store to buy one item and then walking out with 10 projects in mind?  I know that I am not, I know that this sort of thing happens to everyone all the time, but how do you harnass that creative energy and actually find the time to accomplish all of these great ideas before you go to the store the next day only to purchase many many more things for completely different projects?  I am still working on learning to control my urges and my impulse buys and writting them down to figure out if I do infact need those items to make my name in the baby boutique clothing world!  Because chances are I won't.

Does anyone else wonder when they will finally make that one thing that everyone looks at and goes... "Holy Crap... I gotta have that"... "And, everyone else I know needs one too!"... I know that I wonder that.  Alot.  I don't know if that time will ever come for me.  I think that I will be happy making all the other things and paving the road to that time... :)

Oh yea, I don't think that I have talked about my Punka Dot Onesie at all... it's totally cute.  Check it out if you get a chance... or just check out my Etsy shop as a whole... I would greatly appreciate it :)  I even added a boy tuxedo onesie on there today... a little slow to getting it listed.

http://www.etsy.com/view_listing.php?listing_id=44033910 - Punka Dots

http://www.etsy.com/view_listing.php?listing_id=44258999 - Tux

http://www.etsy.com/shop/EllaJoeCouture - My Etsy Shop

I am also on Zibbet at www.zibbet.com/EllaJoeCouture

And, right now I have a few items that are listed auction style at eBay just search "Ella Joe Couture"

Night all... only almost 2 hours past my bedtime... time to put a movie in... :)  Sleep tight!

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