Monday, August 23, 2010

New Website! Yee!

Okay... So, a while ago I put up an Alchemy request on Etsy for someone to help me revamp my website.  After lots of offers from free (they even provided me free instructions and their own hand made templates to do it) and other offers into the $$$$ (thousands of dollars) I just kind of let it sit there.  I knew that I needed to spruce it up a bit, but I didn't really know what I was going to do with it.  I mean, the whole point of me even starting a website was so that if someone wanted to know anything about my brand at least I didn't have to worry about a porn site buying my domain name and my customers weren't going to get more than they bargained for.  Someone was gracious enough to give me a copy of FrontPage 2000, which if you didn't know is about the most not nice software to use to create a website!  It is all HTML and guess how much training I had in that?  None.  It was a long and tedious process, but I was at least able to fix my website just to include a link to my etsy shop and then a link to this here lacking blog.

Then my computer went on the fritz.  Actually it just stopped doing anything.  The motherboard... fried.  For whatever reason.... so I had to buy a new one :(  I like it don't get me wrong, but do you know how much energy it takes to get everything on a new computer back to the way you were use to it after you had been adding things to make your computing experience more enjoyable over a 2 year period?  Well, it definitely takes much longer than I wanted to spend.

And then with the loss of my computer, also came the loss of my software to update my website... UGH!  So, I did some research... watched a random marketing video that told me about Weebly.  I already have my domain through GoDaddy.  Well, about 24 hours later, I am soooo excited to tell everyone about my new website  Please feel free to check it out.  It was sooo eaasy to do once I got the hang of things.  Maybe eventually I will even get some of my items up there for sale, but I think at this point having a consolidated place where I sell my wares is going to work out easiest for me.

My new website ( (incase you haven't gone there yet, please do and give me your feedback!) even features a place where you can tell me what you want, where as my other one... didn't.  It told you to e-mail me at my yahoo address which, after I got my gmail address, just kind of fell by the wayside :(  Sorry Yahoo but sometimes you don't work so well with my Google Android phone. :(

So, it was easy!  I don't know how hard it is for other people to figure out all of this stuff on their own but for me I know that all of this sort of stuff isn't really my forte.  But anyhoo... please feel free to tell me your thoughts and let me know if you have any ideas or if I missed something on my site!

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