Tuesday, March 30, 2010

All the Ins and Outs of Online... LIFE!

I know, it's been a while since I have posted anything on here. Um... I don't think that anyone is reading it anyways, so it doesn't really matter. I often contemplate if I should be doing any kind of writting because it is definitely not my forte. I don't think that I should, but everything I read online, which isn't alot, because let's face it I DON'T HAVE TIME says that it's necessary. You need to make tutorials and tell people about what you do all day long every day. Well, I don't know how much I agree with that, but I do agree that I need to spend a little bit more time working on my "online presence" than I have been. So, here is my attempt at it...

Um... last night I was talking about the equipment that I use in making my onesies... I was trying to install a ruffler foot. Um... not fun. My boyfriend just about got to see a side of me that isn't appropriate for anyone to see. But I restrained (what fun is that?). But I was talking to him about how embarassing it was that I don't have the first clue about making videos and posting them (probably because the only video camera I have is my phone). I think that I graduated HS before that part of everything was taught. And then was in college not learning anything (not entirely true) but was absorbed in that in stead of playing on the internet and learning about such things... So, I have lots of catching up to do.

Today I am trying to spend almost all day on the computer (except for when I have to go and return the ruffler foot that does NOT fit on either of my sewing machine). I know that I can't accomplish everything in one day, but my hopes are that if I get most of my ducks in a row it will come eventually. Baby steps right? Well, right now I feel like I need to be making GIANT leaps! Any tips that anyone has regarding blogging, twittering, online networking... that I haven't already read and tried to implement in someway (in my head)... would be more than greatly appreciated!

How is it that I feel that I am about 5 years behind everyone else in regards to creating my online presence? I wish I would have started this a long long long long time ago! Hopefully the term "Better Late than Never" applies here...